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Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:38 pm
by Neelpos
Well what do you know, just stumbled across this on Reddit.

For the sake of convenience I won't do another big spoiler block you have to mouse over, it's safe for the first few lines anyways.

Every other mission in the game had to be held up to the rest of the writing team, and the writing team then picked it apart and made suggestions and pointed out the parts that made no sense. This mission? Casey and our lead deciding that they didn't need to be peer-reviewe.d

And again, it shows.

If you'd asked me the themes of Mass Effect 3, I'd break them down as:
Galactic Alliances
Organics versus Synthetics

In my personal opinion, the first two got a perfunctory nod. We did get a goodbye to our friends, but it was in a scene that was divorced from the gameplay -- a deliberate "nothing happens here" area with one turret thrown in for no reason I really understand, except possibly to obfuscate the "nothing happens here"-ness. The best missions in our game are the ones in which the gameplay and the narrative reinforce each other. The end of the Genophage campaign exemplifies that for me -- every line of dialog is showing you both sides of the krogan, be they horrible brutes or proud warriors; the art shows both their bombed-out wasteland and the beautiful world they once had and could have again; the combat shows the terror of the Reapers as well as a blatant reminder of the rachni, which threatened the galaxy and had to be stopped by the krogan last time. Every line of code in that mission is on target with the overall message.

The endgame doesn't have that. I wanted to see banshees attacking you, and then have asari gunships zoom in and blow them away. I wanted to see a wave of rachni ravagers come around a corner only to be met by a wall of krogan roaring a battle cry. Here's the horror the Reapers inflicted upon each race, and here's the army that you, Commander Shepard, made out of every race in the galaxy to fight them.

I personally thought that the Illusive Man conversation was about twice as long as it needed to be -- something that I've been told in my peer reviews of my missions and made edits on, but again, this is a conversation no writer but the lead ever saw until it was already recorded. I did love Anderson's goodbye.

For me, Anderson's goodbye is where it ended. The stuff with the Catalyst just... You have to understand. Casey is really smart and really analytical. And the problem is that when he's not checked, he will assume that other people are like him, and will really appreciate an almost completely unemotional intellectual ending. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it.

And then, just to be a dick... what was SUPPOSED to happen was that, say you picked "Destroy the Reapers". When you did that, the system was SUPPOSED to look at your score, and then you'd show a cutscene of Earth that was either:

a) Very high score: Earth obviously damaged, but woo victory
b) Medium score: Earth takes a bunch of damage from the Crucible activation. Like dropping a bomb on an already war-ravaged city. Uh, well, maybe not LIKE that as much as, uh, THAT.
c) Low score: Earth is a cinderblock, all life on it completely wiped out

I have NO IDEA why these different cutscenes aren't in there. As far as I know, they were never cut. Maybe they were cut for budget reasons at the last minute. I don't know. But holy crap, yeah, I can see how incredibly disappointing it'd be to hear of all the different ending possibilities and have it break down to "which color is stuff glowing?" Or maybe they ARE in, but they're too subtle to really see obvious differences, and again, that's... yeah.

Okay, that's a lot to have written for something that's gonna go away in an hour.

I still teared up at the ending myself, but really, I was tearing up for the quick flashbacks to old friends and the death of Anderson. I wasn't tearing up over making a choice that, as it turned out, didn't have enough cutscene differentiation on it.

And to be clear, I don't even really wish Shepard had gotten a ride-off-into-sunset ending. I was honestly okay with Shepard sacrificing himself. I just expected it to be for something with more obvious differentiation, and a stronger tie to the core themes -- all three of them.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:03 pm
I said people DIDN'T want a definitive ending, they wanted the relays to be still functioning, and everything to turn out ok

getting rid of the relays is as definitive as it gets and that's why people are mad

I agree with a lot of the points and questions like what was joker doing etc but it really isn't that big of a deal

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:10 pm
by MasterWholigans
If you haven't watched this yet, it's a pretty interesting theory on ME3's ending

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:15 pm
by Blathersby
sweet jesus I really would pay all my money for some dlc that shows light on this.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 6:23 pm
by Rat-morningstar
yes, that's indeed their goal
to make you pay all your money just to see how the fucking game actually ends

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:02 pm
by Hellboy
Rat-morningstar wrote:yes, that's indeed their goal
to make you pay all your money just to see how the fucking game actually ends
It's more that after all of the backlash at this point, it'd be a very poor business move for them not to have some DLC that addresses the ending in a more satisfying way.

But inevitably it's something people are going to have to pay for, which is really lame, because it should have been in the game in the first place- you shouldn't have to pay money to get "the competent ending" (looking at you, Fallout 3). But hey, people would obviously buy it...

It's raised kind of an interesting point about video games as a medium and how malleable their story elements ought to be post-release.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:16 pm
You don't need to know anything other than "reapers stopped". What happens after that is irrelevant to the story. The whole closure argument is invalid. Whether or not Shepard dies doesn't even matter because they already established that even death means nothing in the beginning of ME2.
Hellboy wrote:It's raised kind of an interesting point about video games as a medium and how malleable their story elements ought to be post-release.
yeah the point I would make is if you want a good story read a book

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:49 pm
by Blathersby
well I would like to atleast know something else
I know this was suppose to be the last ME game with Shepard but I would really love a ME game like DA:Origins like you pick your race and junk maybe you could use your ME3 save or something to see how your galaxy is.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:47 pm
by Hellboy
NIPPER wrote:
Hellboy wrote:It's raised kind of an interesting point about video games as a medium and how malleable their story elements ought to be post-release.
yeah the point I would make is if you want a good story read a book
This always seems like a cop-out answer to me- I don't understand the point of playing the Mass Effect games if the story and characters aren't engaging you in some positive way, since they're inextricably tied to the role playing gameplay elements- it's not as though the combat stands well enough on its own to be a main draw.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:17 pm
by Rat-morningstar
one of the biggest positives about mass effect is, imo, the story
i love a good game with a good storyline
NIPPER wrote:You don't need to know anything other than "reapers stopped". What happens after that is irrelevant to the story.
why would it be irrelevant to the story? i mean, yeah, they could turn the story into
"a long time in the future, there are these alien robots called reapers and after a while they get defeated"
but that would just be plain boring.
a story is nothing without a pile of background and immersion to back it up

also, the end as is shown just creates more questions than it answers.
biggest question, imo: how the fuck did liara and vega teleport to the normandy while they were running at that beam with me

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:04 am
by dmitri ravinoff
just got around to this game because I'm cheap/poor/busy

and let me say

holy fuck that ending was so fucking stupid jesus christ I hemorrhaged brain cells faster than bernie sanders on wall street

now that's not to say the entire game sucked - I LOVED the new gun system, certain levels were exceptionally fun (particularly the genophage and geth series), but holy fuck were there some things that annoyed me

I'm just sad, damn it. I knew it was going to suck going in, I haven't been under that much of a rock, but god damn. I hoped for something better, but it still just frustrates me. all this time, all these choices... boiled down to that. god damn.


Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:39 am
by Neelpos
Man and you got the fixed version too, it used to be even worse.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:41 pm
by dmitri ravinoff
Neelpos wrote:Man and you got the fixed version too, it used to be even worse.
I had to doublecheck to make sure I had the dlc because I was so underwhelmed.

also, is coop fun? does anyone still play it?

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:25 pm
by Da_man
Co-op was fun at launch, but I heard the balance is just super fucked with OP DLC characters.

Re: Mass Effect 3: Origin QQ

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:22 am
by dmitri ravinoff