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Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 2:57 am
by Mooch
.X. wrote:Okay... here is my tip. Personally I love the slay mod. Usually, this is because I am the VIP. Like Duffman said earlier, with a good VIP and slay mod on, it helps make the game a lot more fun. Usually, like in oil-rig
cts just run all over the place and get themselves stupidly killed while the VIP goes commando. That's just stupid and if that gets the entire team killed, then they deserve it. When I play as VIP, I love getting back up and my team sticking together for a swift effective retreat. It's about teamwork, especially on a VIP map. Not just rushing blindly into open fire and awping on the roof while the VIP is getting pounded by ak rounds.

Yesterday I played a round in Oil Rig. Dunno how many of you have seen it, but it was awesome as VIP. My entire team died, I was going outer ramp when I saw someone on the roof about to shoot. I ran inside for cover, and moved to the right up the ramp. *I was out of bullets by this time* Standing on the ledge of the rail and just as I suspeceted that T I saw came and I jumped down and knifed his ass. Then I made a run for it and saw another T dead ahead at the chopper with an AK. Amazingly, he missed me with an entire ak clip *okay, I am being modest. It was pure evasive skills* and I moved in and knifed him.

Oh... sorry, I got carried away. Wish I got a demo of that, it was purely AWESOME~!!!!
was that before or after i saw you get knifed as vip :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2002 4:07 am
by GameOver
i got knifed as VIP once, i was so dumbfounded...stupid laz and his from behind knifing headshots...
game over

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 4:00 pm
by .X.
I just luv being VIP... If my team actually listens to me and co-ordinate as a team.