Long ass game

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Re: Long ass game

Post by Estroy » Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:53 pm

Real, I've had a 86 min long SR game once..
League of Legends EU West: Estroy (Level 30)
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Re: Long ass game

Post by bh :) » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:42 am

dantesus wrote:Image

I didn't want to stay up that late...

Although my build got me up to 2.5 attack speed with the speed skill :[]
those are some of the worst item builds ive ever seen. your nunu doesnt even have a bv, so im assuming he got his ults out, in whichc case the enemy team is bad. not to mention teemo stacked bthirsters but was 4-10, meaning he's a retard. he stacked phantom dancers which is ineffective because crit falls off after 55~60%.
stacking deathcaps is dumb, for obvious reasons.

im in a stupor as how you won that anyway, none of yo have any damage. you're the largest damage dealer on your team and yuo build tanky onhit, and onhit is no longer viable on just abuot ANYONE, even teemo is barely good with it anymore.
Avvatar wrote:That entire recap is puzzling. Why does Warwick have so many kills? Why the fuck does Nunu have 2 deathcaps? I'm not convinced I've ever seen a game with so many Warmogs.

Hour long games aren't all that long. And they tend to end too suddenly.
Because lanewick is strong as fuck and can't be denied any farm, he can sit on a lane and win games. which is why he's a good solotop, and not a jungler (though they recently changed him to jungle better, still doesn't matter. he should solotop.) Nunu is a retard for stacking rabs
and also, late game, once you get your item build you almost always build tanky, warmogs is a great source of hp, and is usually always built super late game.]
OddaJosh wrote:
HAJIBADA wrote: AP shaco? Ad shaco is a lot easier with since you can kill people in like two hits with your Q ability :D



Totally useless but so much fun. At least Dante wasn't going full retard mode. Nice lych bane.
it's completely useless, ever since shaco boxes were nerfed to hell. they are no longer 90s but 30s. They are awful. AD Shaco is ok but it's not as good anymore, there are better junglers, and shaco isn't a very good laner either.

but oh well, i don't expect a lot from games wher eplayers are <30. you can't sufficiently jungle without runes/masteries with a lot of champs. but those itemb uilds are atrocious.
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Re: Long ass game

Post by Avvatar » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:11 pm

bh :) wrote:Because lanewick is strong as fuck and can't be denied any farm, he can sit on a lane and win games. which is why he's a good solotop, and not a jungler (though they recently changed him to jungle better, still doesn't matter. he should solotop.) Nunu is a retard for stacking rabs
and also, late game, once you get your item build you almost always build tanky, warmogs is a great source of hp, and is usually always built super late game.
I suspect you are bad.
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Re: Long ass game

Post by dantesus » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:27 pm


I've been playing Fiora for the last five games, won every single one. The last game I was in a lane against another Fiora, and I'd have to say she counters herself pretty well. I say just build her better than the other person and you're good.
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Re: Long ass game

Post by bh :) » Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:31 pm

Avvatar wrote:
bh :) wrote:Because lanewick is strong as fuck and can't be denied any farm, he can sit on a lane and win games. which is why he's a good solotop, and not a jungler (though they recently changed him to jungle better, still doesn't matter. he should solotop.) Nunu is a retard for stacking rabs
and also, late game, once you get your item build you almost always build tanky, warmogs is a great source of hp, and is usually always built super late game.
I suspect you are bad.
feel free to clarify? i'm curious as to how you can suspect that when everything i say is absolutely correct. i haven't played since ww was buffed to jungle better (Before he was one of the SLOWEST junglers in the game, but now i dont know, but his solotop is still probably unrivaled).
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Re: Long ass game

Post by NightFantom » Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:58 pm

ww has one of the best jungles in the game, he's one of the few junglers who can get out at full health ready to kill
might not be the fastest one but a very decent one indeed

then again a lanewick is annoying as shit
that seems like a huge amount of work for no good reason - joe
or, you know, sarcasm - Neelpos
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Re: Long ass game

Post by CheeseRocks » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:48 pm

WW's overall jungle health/sustain may be almost unmatched, but his lack of ganking presence until level 6 more than makes up for that in my opinion.
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Re: Long ass game

Post by bh :) » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:34 pm

NightFantom wrote:ww has one of the best jungles in the game, he's one of the few junglers who can get out at full health ready to kill
might not be the fastest one but a very decent one indeed

then again a lanewick is annoying as shit
i use to jungle a lot actually, but let's iterate on why ww was bad (like i said, i quit playing before ww was buffed to be a competent jungler, and this game shows that this was played before ww's buffs anyway, though from what ive been told he's still not a competitor for strongest jungle)
fact is, let's compare:
has quick invasion time
one of the highest clear times (actually i thin khe has THE highest clear time) in the game
very easy to pick up
better gap closing ability than ww
his ult is barnone blatantly op. how?
-his passive procs with his ult, meaning his ult kicks WW's ult's ass onto the curb. skarner's passive is what makes him broken, and riot has yet to fix him for it yet
-it's a suppress that is .05s shorter than ww's but he can move during it and carry the carry (i know) into your team.
-decent burst damage

so why doesn't ww compare? he has slow clear time compared to skarner, a worse pre-6 gap closer, a longer cooldown (if skarner uses his passive correctly), terrible invasion ability (skarner has way higher burst due to his faceroll)

but that doesn't mean ww is a bad champ, in fact he's one of the best solotops in my opinion because he SHUTS DOWN KILL LANES. Solo top lane is dominated by kill laners, people like jarvan who have no sustain but once they hit 2~4 have high damage output and have the purpose of shooting down the lane. ww of equal skill will ALWAYS outlane jarvan, because jarvan has no sustain while ww is the opposite, he can sit on lanes for hours and barely anyone can deny him farm. he's a fucking amazing shut down and has decent push due to his w, and decent farm skill now that his passive applies magic damage on hit as well. ww is a hella strong top, no doubt about it, but jungle? he's got too low cleartime to be considered good, and he has no ganking ability pre6.

the great thing about ww late game is his tankiness, his late game consists of hella tank items that basically make him SIT IN THE FIGHT the entire time if he has the farm. ww lost his ability to farm decently ever since the new creeps came out that gave reduced xp and gold now. solo laning is a stronger way of making gold than jungling is. jungling relies purely on ganks as well, which ww has the inability to do pre-6 unless you get the enemy off guard. skarner is somewhat the same way but skarner has the ability to do a better invade and if he needs to gank, he has a better gap closer. and once again, jungle clearing time makes a huge difference.

tl;dr: ww doesn't even remotely compare to some of the top junglers in the game. shyvana, rammus, ree sin, possibly loaf (dunno how his buffs worked out for him) are better. i admit ww has a hella good late game due to his tankiness but why not just go rammus in the first place? higher mobility, ok clear time (falls off lategame), amazing cc due to him being a true tank), decent damage output due to ult. honestly i cant' see myself jungling with ww anymore, unless i'm playing a smurf and don't have runes/masteries.

ww is out, has been for quite a while and even the buffs make me doubtful of his ability to compete harder
NightFantom wrote:ww has one of the best jungles in the game, he's one of the few junglers who can get out at full health ready to kill
might not be the fastest one but a very decent one indeed

then again a lanewick is annoying as shit
sustain means a lot, sure. but what the hell does ww do with sustain after he clears the jungle and hits 4? he can't gank at 4, and better yet, he's one of the easier countered junglers in the game due to healing reducing spells (ignite, tristana, fizz, executioners calling, katarina). youve got 3 champs that already counter him, then yuo can buy an item or even just pack yourself with a summoner spell and completely DEMOLISH ww in teamfights.

sustain is the only thing warwick has, it was something that made him borderline amazing in the old jungle, but in today's standard everyone has fucking sustain now. cloth 5pot and suddenly you walk out of jungler with 3/4 or even full hp. it's not that hard to do really.

if you want tankiness late game you might as well go fucking udyr, because at least he has decent cc, aoe, gapcloser, escape. etc

edit: now tyhat i think about i think the only person who rivals solotop thats on par with ww in sustain lane is probably irelia. irelia is amazing early~mid game and stil lcarries hard tankiness late game and has the damage to flow with your team
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