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Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:23 am
by marbear
Neelpos wrote:
marbear wrote:I played plenty enough with you all this summer.
It's April of 2014.
Right, I forgot that L4D2 has changed so much since then.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:24 am
by Neelpos
marbear wrote:
Neelpos wrote:
marbear wrote:I played plenty enough with you all this summer.
It's April of 2014.
Right, I forgot that L4D2 has changed so much since then.
You'd be surprised what can happen in 8 months.

You don't have any stake in this. You don't understand. Stop breeding conflict in this thread.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:27 am
by marbear
Neelpos wrote:
marbear wrote:
Neelpos wrote:
marbear wrote:I played plenty enough with you all this summer.
It's April of 2014.
Right, I forgot that L4D2 has changed so much since then.
You'd be surprised what can happen in 8 months.

You don't have any stake in this. You don't understand. Stop breeding conflict in this thread.
I played in January. It was the same then as it was before, just as it is now.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:42 am
by loafozard

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:47 am
by Nightwolf
I for one, welcome our numerical overlords.
Stop breeding conflict in this thread.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:28 am
by Glitch
Neelpos wrote: You don't have any stake in this. You don't understand. Stop breeding conflict in this thread.
It's like Lars Von Trier, John Green and Kanye West collaborated to make the most pretentious thing ever written. I actually ran out of reaction gifs because none of them accurately convey the emotions I feel when reading this.
Holy shit. Grow up.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:38 am
by Archer
Glitch wrote:
Neelpos wrote: You don't have any stake in this. You don't understand. Stop breeding conflict in this thread.
It's like Lars Von Trier, John Green and Kanye West collaborated to make the most pretentious thing ever written. I actually ran out of reaction gifs because none of them accurately convey the emotions I feel when reading this.
Holy shit. Grow up.
Wait. Who are you? Don't you only play on tf4?

EDIT: Also, I see Neelpos' Master Plan to bring the forums back to life through internecine conflict is proceeding according to plan.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:58 am
by Neelpos
Hopefully I'm sober enough to explain this as clearly as I can.

The L4D2 players recognize that the game has a competitive aspect to it. Games go on five rounds in a row with the score accumulating until the finale in a game that takes longer than an hour total (on average). This tends to encourage competitiveness more than say, TF2, as each round is for the most part self contained. In recognizing this we also try to have as much fun as we can, stomps aren't fun for either side, but neither is restarting constantly and being unable to get a legitimate game going for over an hour. On occasion we have a night where the atmosphere can't be denied, no one is having fun, the teams aren't balanced, and the effort to get a game going is proving to be more than worth it. People get mad, people leave. We derive enough entertainment from the game to deal with these occasions but at times it can be too much, a person gets fed up.

That person leaves.

I started playing with everyone over the summer and after a while Archer and myself were put in charge of the entire L4D2 side of the community because of how much effort we put into keeping this part of the community alive. I've lost interest in TF2, but I can get a L4D2 game going nearly every night, not only that, I can do it with people I genuinely love playing with. Archer and I maintain the server, and I always try to get as many people as I can in the server, sending PM's and invites to nearly everyone online who is a regular player, or someone I'd like to see become one. When someone gets so fed up with the game that they leave, it feels like we've failed. Our playerbase is much smaller than TF2, every player lost is a significant portion of the base in comparison to TF2. We've had enough bad nights that its time we tried to do something about it, because I'm tired of trying to pull people together who are past the point of letting that happen, it makes them mad, it makes me apathetic.

The idea was posed BY THE L4D2 COMMUNITY to put together a list of all the regular players, and accumulate their publicly available stats. Maybe we could rank by one of those stats, or maybe we could come up with our own formula based on those stats. By building the list we have something to go off of when no agreement can be come to. It's not some mandate, but it's an attempt to curb the problem with team balance that literally every currently active player in the community can attest to. What if it doesn't work? Then we discard it. But I'm not interested in sitting by any longer as this problem continues, I'm trying to fix it with any idea that seems like it could work. Every single person who's put down this idea has been someone not an active member in the L4D2 community. Every person that has come out in support of this is an active member of the L4D2 community. We're just trying to solve a problem we're experiencing internally.

This is the best try we have at the moment.

Pose a better idea, or get the fuck out and quit wasting my fucking time.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:10 am
by Archer
Also, there are a few points Neelpos might have not mentioned.

This is a project to try and solve the problem of severely imbalanced teams. By having a rough numeric estimate of skill it would help us in the future especially with people that might not know or be able to assess how skilled others are at L4D2. That being said though, the numbers Neel has are not permanently pidgeonholing you into certain skill tiers on L4D2. Numbers don't always reflect being able to think on your feet, or working well enough with other members of your team that you don't need to speak, or being able to rapidly prioritize and deal with multiple targets. However, the statistics that L4D2 does collect can help reveal a player's general skill level in L4D2.

What Neel is trying to do is build a way to get a number indicating a relative level of skill for people who are not experts to be able to create balanced teams. That's it. It's not meant to be personal or call anyone out or anything like that. It's so that everyone can have fun.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:49 am
by Sanvich Hoovy
Be sure to make the top players breed to make the left for ded master race

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:50 am
by tehENEMY
Neelpos wrote:Every single person who's put down this idea has been someone not an active member in the L4D2 community. Every person that has come out in support of this is an active member of the L4D2 community.
Hi, this is a bad idea. Driving away new people who suck is a bad idea. Telling "seasonal" players they don't matter is a bad idea.
Neelpos wrote:Our playerbase is much smaller than TF2, every player lost is significant
Neelpos wrote:Pose a better idea

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:25 pm
by Grndslmhttr3
If you suck, people deserve to know. This is Left 4 Dead, not third grade gym class where everyone wins.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:15 pm
by Nightwolf
Majority rules.

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:51 pm
by loafozard

Civilized gaming community:

(shamelessly plugging another community FTW)

Re: A little somethin (L4D2, all current players please view

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:58 pm
by prolix
1. Not on the list
2. Honesty expected
3. Other people on list I've never even fucking heard of nor part of actual community.

Sin level = Sixtywattman's watermelon picture