The only IP you need to know - leads to all other J2 servers!
Welcome to the Minecraft Forums.
The server rules when playing on a sponsored game server can be found in the below link. Server Rules, Guidelines and information Thread
The Minecraft specific rules are below
1. The use of third party programs to modify your effect on the server is not allowed.
2. Don't build laggy redstone circuits.
3. No grotesque imagery.
Extra Rules for Survival (PvP)
- Spawn is not a safe zone. However, do not sit at spawn repeatedly killing users as they respawn.
- Don't set unnecessary fires. If you want to burn somebody's house/base/fort down, sure. Don't go around starting random fires and burning forests down, unless there is a really good reason for it.
- Griefing and raiding are allowed.
To get on to your desired server, log on to the hub server (, and then follow the signs to the portals for the different types of servers.
Contacting an Admin
While on the server, simply ask for an admin. If one is available they will respond.
To report a rule violation, type /report.
For a list of admins, click here.
There is generally somebody available for assistance on IRC, in on gamesurge. Feel free to ask there.
Minecraft IRC Information
The community offers a variety of minecraft related IRC services, such as a j2-managed [url=irc://]#minecraft[/url] channel as well as server specific channels.
If you'd like to join us on IRC or chat with people ingame via IRC and don't know how, follow these simple instructions:
- Find an IRC client. A listing of different IRC clients can be found here.
- Once you've chosen your client, you'll need to connect to the server which hosts the j2 channels. We are located on [url=irc://]the IRC network[/url] (irc:// on port 6667).
- Upon connecting to the server, the next step is to join the channels you're interested in. Simply choose from the list below which channels strike your fancy and type, without quotes, "/join #channelNameHere," or click on their respective links:
The Official Minecraft Channel Listings - Hosted by [url=irc://][/url] (Connects to IRC)
- [url=irc://][/url] - The official community IRC channel for the community
- [url=irc://]#j2mc1[/url] - The IRC relay channel for mc1
- [url=irc://]#j2mc2[/url] - The IRC relay channel for mc2
- [url=irc://]#j2mc3[/url] - The IRC relay channel for mc3
- [url=irc://]#j2mc4[/url] - The IRC relay channel for mc4 IRC Relay Command Guide - For use on [url=irc://]#j2mc1[/url], [url=irc://]#j2mc2[/url], [url=irc://]#j2mc3[/url], and [url=irc://]#j2mc4[/url]
- !msg your message here - Example: !msg Stop! Don't copy that floppy! - Sends your message to the server.
- !players - Will give you the number of players currently on the server
- !playerlist - Will give you the names of those currently on the server
- !help - Provides a full list of commands. Some commands might not be usable by everyone.
Other Information
Unban Requests
List of bans on the server