Who can apply
Any currently active TF4 player who has been in the j2 community (including forums) for at least a month.
How to apply
First, highlight the application provided below and copy it.
Next, paste it in a PM window to Eviltechie, fill it out and submit. Leave the questions as they are, do not remove them
Click here to open a PM window to Eviltechie
Do not post your application anywhere else on the forums including this topic.
If you don't know your SteamID: http://steamidfinder.com
The application
Code: Select all
Your real first name:
Your age:
Gaming name:
Your SteamID:
Link to your joe.to forum profile:
Describe any past admin experience you have (on joe.to and elsewhere):
Average hours per week playing:
Average time of the day you play (include time zone):
Have you applied to be an admin before:
If so, when:
Describe why you think we should hire you:
If you have any questions, feel free to send Eviltechie a PM or post the question here in this topic. This is not a topic for making unrelated posts, and I will punish violators.