The Locals Ep. 6 & Toy Drive

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The Locals Ep. 6 & Toy Drive

Post by stabbyclaus » Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:31 am

Episode 6 "Head Space Warriors" was released a few weeks ago on Zeurel's channel. You can watch it below:

As the animators work on the last two episodes of Season 1, we have a bunch of community driven projects coming soon as well.
- 3D Printed toys & busts of Locals characters
- 50 to 100 posters of Nickelbonk & The Locals
- A purely SFM musical mini-episode is in the works
Rat-morningstar wrote:dude, this might be shocking, but the night sky isn't a piece of cloth with holes in it
Scraw wrote:This. People think good sex just spontaneously happens like scripted events in a single player CoD mission.
In reality, the best sex results from good communication and planning; like a Rainbow 6 mission.
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Re: The Locals Ep. 6 & Toy Drive

Post by Avvatar » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:10 pm
