IP is any of the following: sven.joe.to / sven.prolix.tk / sc.prolix.tk (all link to same ip)
Server will be fast download enabled and will not require a separate download.
Second Playtest will be at 7pm EST/4pm PST this Sunday, November 23. Same time as previous test.
Tuesday's Avenger and our very own A Ninja have teamed up to bring us a playtest of an experimental CAPTURE THE FLAG map for Sven Co-op.
And a message from TA himself:A Ninja wrote:Hey guys, a few of us had the pleasure of playing a WIP ctf map in SC earlier this week made by Tuesday's Avenger, complete with different class loadouts similar to those of TFC or Science & Industry mod. Here's an older video of what it looks like before classes were added
Anyway, I talked to Tuesday, and we both thought it could be fun to get some more people in on the action for better feedback. He'll be putting up the server Sunday evening, with a time TBD (I'll edit the post when I find out) and I will post a dropbox beforehand for the map files to avoid slow server download times.
If you want to participate, make sure you are running v4.8 of Sven Co-op, and if you have any questions feel free to PM me on steam beforehand.
There you have it Joe.to. Visit the original thread post here.Tuesday's Avenger wrote:Hi all! Thanks to Ninja and everybody who's taken an interest in the map - it's a really cool feeling to have other people want to play something you've been working on. I have a whole page of notes based on everyone's feedback from a few nights ago, and they've been a huge help.