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Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:39 pm
by CanadianBill
Hey, I know I and a bunch of others miss Trouble in Terrorist Town, the main reason it died was the big GM13 update that left the server broken and maintained for a long while. I fixed it up and we got players again, but it died after another update as it wasn't maintained.

This thread is for people to express their want to bring back the old TTT, anyone else thinking it'd be fun to bring back up?

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:28 pm
by mbaxter
That thing nobody played on and constantly broke due to updates which would consequently not be fixed because nobody wanted to update a disused server?

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:11 am
by CanadianBill
mbaxter wrote:That thing nobody played on and constantly broke due to updates which would consequently not be fixed because nobody wanted to update a disused server?
I fixed the server a few times, but some stuff was beyond me since I didn't have FTP or the ability to perform a Steam update. I'd gladly maintain it but I didn't have access last time

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:51 am
by Hooplah
mbaxter wrote:That thing nobody played on
what about this part, bill

you forgot to address this part

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:59 am
by CanadianBill
People can't play on a server they can't join. Didn't think that had to be addressed. We had players up 'til the update

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:02 am
by BodaciousBrian
No one played on it because it was broken. Once gm13 came out it was dead. It remained up but unjoinable for many months.

mbaxter wrote:That thing nobody played on and constantly broke due to updates which would consequently not be fixed because nobody wanted to update a disused server?
Baxter sums it up really well here, and almost admits fault. Almost! It was his and eviltechies fault for not getting the updates taken care of.

The overall TTT community has grown quite a bit. Theres three times as many servers now as there was back in the day, but they all suck. It was the traitor/innocent ratio, the almost default settings, and most of all, the people that used to play on the server that made it great. I too miss the old TTT server enough to finance the server for a full year. Bring it back up, and send me the bill.

Baxter, when it comes back up im going to RDM you until I feel better. :D

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:29 pm
by Freakwhistle
Some of my best memories in Gmod were from RDMing on TTT. Me and Aflac used to ghost all the time and it was phenomenal. Bring back the server so we could party it up like the good ole days

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:25 pm
by scobywhru
mbaxter wrote:That thing nobody played on and constantly broke due to updates which would consequently not be fixed because nobody wanted to update a disused server?
What mbaxter is saying is if there is someone willing to keep it up and running there might be a chance but the current sr admins don't have the time nor desire to make it happen

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:48 pm
by Eviltechie
In order for a server to be worth running it needs to have a decent number of players on it a few times per week. Without constant activity, updates will break things and the server will fall into disrepair.

While the server did do fine for a while, people eventually stopped playing and keeping an empty server running was not worth our time.

To further complicate matters, TTT requires constant supervision from admins because of the troublesome players it tends to attract. Those of us who knew how to play and dared join the server quickly got sick and tired of the yelling, screaming, and bickering that is TTT.

If you want us to host a TTT server again, I need a good assurance that we will have players and admins on it a couple nights a week.

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:43 am
by BodaciousBrian
Fine for a while? I was a regular there for at least 2 years. The ttt server was populated most every night. It wasn't until the constant out-of-date state of the server that it died out. If it is redone, a full server a couple nights a week is no problem.

I'm up for administering the server, I know bill is. I'm sure several of the ttt veterans will come back and most of them would make great admins.

Please give someone the responsibility and ability to keep it up to date.. I nominate Bill.

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 4:17 am
by Sub-Merge
I fucking loved playing on TTT. I was such a shit disturber on that server RDMing all the time and prop pushing.

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:59 am
by Aflac
I definitely want to see this happen. TTT was a fun, simple TTT server with a great admin team and great group of core players.
I mean really, I haven't played TTT since the one broke, since I associate the gamemode so heavily with that group of friends.
I'd be on whenever people were on, and although I'm known for being one of the troll/minge types, I could easily take the role of an admin if absolutely needed.

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:42 pm
by BodaciousBrian
Aflac wrote: although I'm known for being one of the troll/minge types, I could easily take the role of an admin if absolutely needed.
Farm animals don't beep!

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:55 pm
by drgmonkey
This was the best TTT server I ever encountered, hands down.

The people were awesome including the admins. The admins actually gave half a shit, and if any of them were on then they wouldn't put up with idiots.

Also, the lack of mods flooding the buy screen was extremely refreshing. I loved playing on that server.

I loved it so much that since it's been gone I haven't played any more TTT when I used to play every night.

I wish it would come back. But even if it doesn't, I'm glad it existed at all.

PS I got accepted into the college of my choice writing about my experience as an admin on this server. Fuck yeah

*edit* I would also like to say that most of my binds are still in place from when I was admin. hint hint

*edit2* Also I'm taking a lot of CS classes and stuff now hint hint hint hint

Re: Bring back TTT Petition!

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 8:15 am
by Django
drgmonkey wrote:This was the best TTT server I ever encountered, hands down.

Aw, that's so sweet. Even though most would think of our ttt server as a mayhem, it was like a Gandhi Peace march compared to the anarchy experienced in other servers.